Start of a new journey!

Start of a new journey!


The Story

It’s 2020, the year that gripped the world at its fingertips. I’m talking about the COVID pandemic. If you are here from years into the future, I hope the world is back to normal. As of now, it’s almost 16 months into isolation, and all of my education is now online. As an introvert, I quite fancied myself to be “fine”, But yeah, even I struggled. During the first few months of staying at home, all I did was study, spend time with family, binge watch TV series and play video games all day. With time as you can imagine, it was boring. I wanted to do something else, I wanted to create something.

“I wanted to create something.”

I guess it’s the engineer inside me talking. Speaking of which, I am an aerospace engineering student at the Indian Institute of Technology. And my mindset of being on a quest to make something. I stood up, looked around and thought deeply. In my mind, I had nothing—this wasn’t the lab or workshop like at campus it’s just a bedroom. I can’t even go outside because of the pandemic. All I had was my Laptop (Jarvis).


I didn’t know how to code, I took an introductory programming course at college, but we never really made anything. To add, I should also say that I feared coding in general. It all seemed too complicated for me. But it was time; I had to beat the fear. If I was to make something cool/practical/fun, I’ve got to learn to code.

“So, I did.”

In June, 2020 I started learning python. Its a basic language that can be used to build cool things (this is all I knew about it). And fast forward a year and a bit, I’m here now. I’ve enjoyed my journey in the last year. Of course, it isn’t by any means over. Over the last few months, I was thinking about this, and I finally got to do it right now. I created this blog to start documenting my journey. My idea is that I write about my projects, resources that helped me, and, of course, my mistakes. I will try to keep this blog informative, but I’m pretty new to writing. If you are still reading this, then, “Hi there, thank you for spending the time to know me”.

Feel free to send me an email or reach out to me on any of my social channel’s. I would love to hear your feedback. With that, Peace out!